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In recent decades, society has undergone significant changes due to rapid technological advancements and shifting cultural norms. For instance, the rise of remote work has transformed the traditional office environment, allowing employees to work from anywhere with an internet connection. This shift has given workers more flexibility and reduced commuting time, but it has also blurred the boundaries between work and personal life.

Another notable change is the increasing emphasis on inclusivity and diversity. Many organizations are now prioritizing policies that promote equality, such as hiring individuals from underrepresented groups and creating a more welcoming workplace culture. While these efforts have led to positive outcomes, they have also sparked debates about the balance between fairness and meritocracy.

As society continues to evolve, adapting to these changes will require collaboration among governments, businesses, and individuals. Policies that address the challenges of remote work, such as ensuring work-life balance, and initiatives that foster inclusivity while maintaining fairness, are essential for building a more equitable future.


  1. 本文によると、リモートワークがもたらした利点として最も適切なものは次のうちどれか。
    1. 通勤時間の短縮
    2. 職場の生産性の低下
    3. 仕事と私生活の境界線の明確化
    4. 職場での直接的なコミュニケーションの強化
  2. 本文で述べられている社会の変化における課題を2つ挙げなさい。
  3. 筆者は社会の変化に対応するために必要な取り組みについて、本文に基づいて40字以内で説明しなさい。
  4. 筆者が提案する社会の理想的な方向性として、最も適切なものはどれか。
    1. リモートワークを完全に廃止する
    2. 包括性を優先し、すべての公平性を無視する
    3. 公平性を保ちながら多様性を受け入れる
    4. 伝統的な価値観に戻り、変化を抑える



  1. 1. 通勤時間の短縮
    (”allowing employees to work from anywhere with an internet connection…reduced commuting time” の箇所に基づく)
  2. 課題:
    • リモートワークにより仕事と私生活の境界が曖昧になること(”blurred the boundaries between work and personal life”)。
    • 多様性と公平性のバランスをめぐる議論(”debates about the balance between fairness and meritocracy”)。
  3. リモートワークの課題に対応しつつ、多様性と公平性を両立する政策を推進すること。
    (”address the challenges of remote work…foster inclusivity while maintaining fairness” の箇所に基づく)
  4. 3. 公平性を保ちながら多様性を受け入れる
    (”initiatives that foster inclusivity while maintaining fairness” の箇所に基づく)

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