The rapid advancement of technology has brought significant changes to various aspects of human life, including communication, healthcare, and transportation. For example, the development of smartphones and social media platforms has revolutionized how people connect with each other, allowing instant communication across the globe. In healthcare, technologies such as telemedicine and robotic surgeries have improved the accessibility and quality of medical services.
However, the widespread use of technology also raises ethical and social concerns. One major issue is data privacy, as personal information shared online can be misused or stolen. Additionally, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have led to fears about job displacement, particularly in industries like manufacturing and customer service.
To address these challenges, governments and organizations must work together to establish regulations that protect individuals while encouraging innovation. At the same time, education systems need to prepare future generations to adapt to rapidly changing technologies by teaching critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By balancing technological progress with ethical considerations, society can ensure that these advancements benefit everyone.
- 本文によると、技術の進歩がもたらした主な利点として、正しいものは次のうちどれか。
- 個人のプライバシーを保護すること
- 医療サービスの質とアクセスを向上させたこと
- グローバルな雇用機会を増やすこと
- 社会的なつながりを制限すること
- 本文で述べられている技術革新の課題を2つ挙げなさい。
- 筆者は技術の課題を解決するために必要だと考える対策を本文に基づいて40字以内で説明しなさい。
- 筆者が提案する技術革新の理想的な方向性として、最も適切なものはどれか。
- 技術の進歩を優先し、規制を減らす
- 技術を使った教育システムを廃止する
- 倫理的配慮と技術革新のバランスを取る
- 技術の進歩を停止し、伝統的な方法に戻る
- 2. 医療サービスの質とアクセスを向上させたこと
(”technologies such as telemedicine and robotic surgeries have improved the accessibility and quality of medical services” の箇所に基づく) - 課題:
- 個人情報の漏洩や悪用のリスク(”data privacy, as personal information shared online can be misused or stolen”)。
- 自動化とAIによる雇用の喪失の懸念(”fears about job displacement, particularly in industries like manufacturing and customer service”)。
- 規制を整備し、教育で批判的思考と問題解決能力を育成することが必要だと述べている。
(”establish regulations…while teaching critical thinking and problem-solving skills” の箇所に基づく) - 3. 倫理的配慮と技術革新のバランスを取る
(”balancing technological progress with ethical considerations” の箇所に基づく)