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Environmental conservation has become a critical issue as the effects of climate change, deforestation, and pollution continue to threaten ecosystems worldwide. One of the most pressing challenges is the loss of biodiversity caused by habitat destruction. Forests are being cleared at alarming rates for agriculture, urban development, and resource extraction, leaving countless species without homes.

To combat this, many organizations are working to protect natural habitats through reforestation projects and wildlife preservation efforts. For example, planting trees not only restores ecosystems but also absorbs carbon dioxide, helping to mitigate climate change. Additionally, enforcing stricter regulations on industries that harm the environment is essential for long-term sustainability.

Public involvement is also key to addressing environmental problems. Simple actions, such as reducing waste, recycling, and supporting eco-friendly products, can collectively make a significant impact. However, without international cooperation and strong governmental policies, these individual efforts may not be enough to reverse the damage already done to our planet.


  1. 本文によると、生物多様性が失われる主な原因は次のうちどれか。
    1. 大気中の二酸化炭素の増加
    2. 天然資源の枯渇
    3. 生息地の破壊
    4. 公共交通機関の不足
  2. 本文で述べられている、再森林化(reforestation)の2つの利点を挙げなさい。
  3. 筆者は個人の行動についてどのように評価しているか、本文に基づいて40字以内で説明しなさい。
  4. 環境問題を解決するための最も重要な要素として、筆者が挙げているものはどれか。
    1. 国際的な協力と政府の政策
    2. 大企業の技術革新
    3. 個人のリサイクル努力
    4. 自然保護団体の活動



  1. 3. 生息地の破壊
    (”loss of biodiversity caused by habitat destruction” の箇所に基づく)
  2. 利点:
    • 生態系を回復させることができる。
    • 二酸化炭素を吸収し、気候変動を緩和する。
  3. 個人の行動は重要だが、政府や国際的な協力が不可欠だと評価している。
    (”without international cooperation and strong governmental policies, these individual efforts may not be enough” の箇所に基づく)
  4. 1. 国際的な協力と政府の政策
    (”without international cooperation and strong governmental policies” の箇所に基づく)

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